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Stefan Nikolić avatar

MALA Danka Ilić (2) nestala pre dva dana u Banjskom polju kod Bora. Pripadnici Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova intenzivno rade na pronalasku devojčice, kao i na utvrđivanju svih činjenica i okolnosti u vezi sa njenim nestankom. Devojčica je bila sa majkom i starijim bratom, a izgubila se iz vida dok je majka drugom detetu davala vodu.

“Novosti“ izveštavaju da je bager stigao u dvorište kuće gde je nestala mala Danka Ilić, pretpostavlja se da će se teren oko kuće čistiti. Nakon bagera, vatrogasci su stigli sa prikolicom koja će verovatno odnositi stvari i otpad iz kuće radi raščišćavanja. Policija je također prisutna i pomaže u raščišćavanju cele kuće majke male Danke, koja je u ruiniranom stanju.

Roditelji male Danke se i dalje nalaze u policiji, gde se ispituju o svim okolnostima nestanka devojčice. Potraga za devojčicom traje već dva dana, ali odgovora na pitanje šta se desilo sa detetom još uvek nema. Policija je saopštila da prema dosad prikupljenim saznanjima, devojčica nije na području od oko 10 kvadratnih kilometara gde je pretraživan teren.

Operativni rad na rasvetljavanju nestanka male Danke pokazao je da istraga treba da ide u novom pravcu. Nestanak devojčice prijavljen je u utorak, kada je majka nestanak ćerke prijavila policiji.

“Dovela sam ih da se malo istrče i prošetaju. Dok sam se okrenula, da sinu dam malo vode, nije je bilo. Zvala sam je, dozivala, nije mi se odazvala“, izjavila je majka neposredno nakon nestanka devojčice Ivan Ilić.

Situacija i dalje ostaje neizvesna, dok se policija i dalje bavi intenzivnom potragom za malom Dankom. Nadamo se da će devojčica biti pronađena i vraćena svojoj porodici nepromenjena.

Pogledajte originalni članak na sledećem linku: (link to the original article)


LITTLE Danka Ilić (2) disappeared two days ago in Banjsko Polje near Bor. Members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are working intensively on finding the girl, as well as on establishing all the facts and circumstances related to her disappearance. The girl was with her mother and older brother, and she went out of sight while the mother was giving water to her other child.

„Novosti“ reporters report that a bulldozer has arrived in the yard of the house where little Danka Ilić disappeared, and it is assumed that the area around the house will be cleared. After the bulldozer, firefighters arrived with a trailer, which will likely carry items and waste to clear the house. The police are also present and assisting in clearing the entire house of the mother of little Danka, which is in a dilapidated state.

The parents of little Danka are still in the police station, where they are being questioned about all the circumstances of the disappearance of the girl. The search for the girl has been going on for two days, but there are still no answers to what happened to the child. The police have stated that based on the information gathered so far, the girl is not within the area of about 10 square kilometers that was searched.

Operational work on clarifying the disappearance of little Danka has shown that the investigation needs to take a new direction. The disappearance of the girl was reported on Tuesday when the mother reported the disappearance of her daughter to the police.

„I brought them out to run and play. When I turned around to give my son some water, she was not there. I called her, shouted, but she didn’t respond,“ said the mother, Ivana Ilić, immediately after Danka’s disappearance.

The situation remains uncertain as the police continue their intensive search for little Danka. Hopefully, the girl will be found and returned to her family unharmed.

Check the original article on the following link: (link to the original article)

Stefan Nikolić avatar
BELGRADE Vremenska Prognoza