Trofej MVP ABA lige nosiće ime po Dejanu Milojeviću

Milica Stanković avatar

Preminuli košarkaški trener Dejan Milojević biće upamćen na poseban način u regionalnom košarkaškom takmičenju ABA lige. Trofej namenjen najkorisnijem igraču regularnog dela sezone u ABA ligi nosiće ime po Dejanu Milojeviću, objavljeno je nedavno. Srpski košarkaški trener preminuo je od srčanog udara u 47. godini života. Tokom svoje igračke karijere, Milojević je nastupao za FMP, podgoričku Budućnost, KK Partizan, Valensiju i Galatasaraj. Osim što je bio uspešan na klupskom nivou, Milojević je takođe osvojio zlatnu medalju na Evropskom prvenstvu u Turskoj sa reprezentacijom SR Jugoslavije 2001. godine. U svojoj trenerskoj karijeri, Milojević je radio u KK Mega, Budućnosti, kao i u ekipi Golden State Warriors, gde je bio asistent Stivu Keru. Takođe, od 2019. do 2021. godine, radio je kao asistent selektora Igora Kokoškova u košarkaškoj reprezentaciji Srbije.

Dejan Milojević gets ABA league MVP award

The regional basketball competition, ABA League, has announced that the trophy for the most valuable player of the regular season will be named after Dejan Milojević, a Serbian basketball coach who passed away on January 17th at the age of 47 due to a heart attack. This honor is a tribute to Milojević’s successful career both as a player and a coach. He played for several teams during his career, including FMP, Budućnost, and Partizan, where he won two national championship titles. He also had an outstanding performance in an EuroLeague match in 2004, setting a record with an efficiency index of 55. He later joined Valencia and Galatasaray before returning to Partizan, where he ultimately ended his playing career due to a knee injury in 2009. In addition to his club success, Milojević also achieved greatness with the national team, winning a gold medal at the European Championship in 2001. He later pursued a coaching career, working with the Mega and Budućnost teams, as well as with the Golden State Warriors as an assistant coach to Steve Kerr. He also served as an assistant to the Serbian national team coach Igor Kokoškov from 2019 to 2021.

Dejan Milojević will be forever remembered as a true legend of the game, both on and off the court, and the decision to name the MVP trophy after him is a fitting tribute to his exceptional talent and contribution to the sport. His legacy will continue to inspire future generations of basketball players and coaches, and his memory will live on in the hearts of fans around the world.

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BELGRADE Vremenska Prognoza
Najnoviji Članci