Kvalitet Boinga je zabrinjavajuć, moguća su dalja odlaganja isporuka

Branko Simić аватар

Irish airline Ryanair is concerned about the deficiencies in Boeing’s aircraft identified by US supervisory authorities in a report following the incidents of Alaska Airlines on the „737 Max 9“ models, said the company’s CEO Michael O’Leary today.

„We are concerned because the report emphasizes the poor quality of Boeing’s production, but we do not think that affects our fleet of ‘737’ or ‘Max 8’ aircraft,“ O’Leary said.

He pointed out that on the last 12 aircraft, which Ryanair received between October and December, an improvement in quality compared to earlier this year was noticed, Reuters reported.

The complete content of the news is available to Tanjug’s services

Ryanair zabrinut zbog nedostataka na Boingovim avionima

Iraska avio-kompanija Ryanair zabrinuta je zbog nedostataka na avionima Boinga koje su identifikovali američki nadzorni organi u izveštaju nakon incidenata kompanije Alaska Airlines na modelima „737 Max 9“, rekao je danas izvršni direktor te kompanije Michael O’Leary.

„Izrazito smo zabrinuti zbog izveštaja koji naglašava loš kvalitet proizvodnje Boinga, ali ne verujemo da to utiče na našu flotu aviona ‘737’ ili ‘Max 8′“, rekao je O’Leary.

Ističe da je primećeno poboljšanje kvaliteta na poslednjih 12 aviona koje je Ryanair primio između oktobra i decembra u odnosu na raniji period ove godine, preneo je Rojters.

Kompletan sadržaj vesti dostupan je korisnicima Tanjugovih servisa

Prema O’Lirijevim rečima, svi Boingovi avioni više nisu ni probleman kao što su bili. On je napomenuo da avio-kompanija Rajaner stalno prati bezbednost svojih aviona i očekuje da će Boing ispraviti svaki nedostatak što je pre moguće.

Boing je u oktobru 2018. godine obelodanio izveštaj prema kojem je utvrdio da u avionskom sistemu „Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System“ (MCAS) ima greška zbog koje avioni Boeing 737 Max retroaktivno postaju leteći neukrotivi most – do nosaš uopšte ne slušaju komande pilota koji su naišli na ovaj problem. Ovaj sistem se koristio na svim Boeing modelima, a federalni organi Sjedinjenih Država su propustili da nadziru Boingove inspekcije aviona.

Ryanair bought over 200 of the Boeing 737 Max airplanes, which were grounded in March 2019. They ordered 135 planes with an option to buy them on 70 more, despite the problems in their system and avionic system. The crash of the Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 was the primary reason for grounding the entire fleet of planes globally, according to news released from the world of officials representatives.

With the plan to minimize risks as much as possible, O’Leary said will only accept Boeing 737 Max planes in a scenario where the problems in their systems are corrected, but also he will not exclude accepting extremely advantageous offers from other companies like Airbus.

The FA Administrator made a bold statement to tell the Congress of US that “

Boeing suffered a damaging loss of confidence following the two crashes
The FAA has been toughening their scrutiny on Boeing safety regulations due to the mentioned catastrophic scenarios. Due to a number of additional problems with the 737 Max, the

Boeing 737 max aircraft has suffered severe confidence issues from the large international community. Noteable, is that the 2019 aircraft world report discussed that despite of safety option in landing gear of craft, are very critical in the time and following the Ethiopian and Indonesian plane crashes in the African region.

Branko Simić аватар
BEOGRAD Vremenska Prognoza