Promenljivo oblačno sa sunčanim periodima

Stefan Nikolić аватар

U dopodnevnim satima u Srbiji će biti promenljivo oblačno sa periodima sunčanog vremena, dok će na severu i istoku zemlje biti pretežno oblačno, a u Banatu i istočnoj Srbiji ponegde uz slabu kratkotrajnu kišu. Nakon podne se očekuje postepeno razvedravanje, saopštio je Republički hidrometeorološki zavod (RHMZ). Vetar će biti slab i umeren, zapadni i severozapadni, a na severu i istoku povremeno jak, a u planinskim predelima istočne Srbije moguće su i olujne udare vetra. Najniža temperatura će se kretati od minus 2 do 9 stepeni, dok će najviša iznositi od 12 do 17 stepeni.

Uveče i noću na severu i istoku zemlje očekuje se novo umereno naoblačenje, a ponegde je moguća slaba kratkotrajna kiša. U Beogradu će ujutro i pre podne biti umereno oblačno, dok će posle podne doći do perioda sunčanog vremena. Vetar će biti slab i umeren, zapadni i severozapadni, a najniža temperatura će biti od 4 do 7 stepeni, dok će najviša iznositi oko 15 stepeni. Tokom noći se očekuje novo umereno naoblačenje.

Tokom narednih sedam dana očekuje se osetno toplije vreme u Srbiji, sa dnevnim temperaturama iznad i znatno iznad proseka za ovaj period godine. U većini mesta temperature će se kretati od 14 do 20 stepeni, lokalno i do 22 stepena. Tokom dana će biti pretežno sunčano, povremeno uz malu ili umerenu oblačnost.

Originalni tekst na engleskom jeziku
In Serbia, during the morning, it will be changeable cloudy with periods of sunshine, while in the north and east predominantly cloudy, in Banat and eastern Serbia with occasionally light, short-lived rain. In the afternoon, gradual clearing is expected, the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute (RHMZ) announced. Wind will be weak and moderate, west and northwest, occasionally strong in the north and east, and in the mountainous areas of eastern Serbia and with gusts of stormy intensity. The lowest temperature will be from minus 2 to 9, the highest from 12 to 17 degrees.

In the evening and night, moderate cloudiness is expected in the north and east, with occasional very light, short-term rain. In Belgrade, it will be moderately cloudy in the morning and before noon, and in the afternoon with periods of sunshine. The wind will be weak and moderate, west and northwest. The lowest temperature will be from 4 to 7, the highest around 15 degrees. New moderate cloudiness is expected overnight.

Over the next seven days, significantly warmer weather is expected in Serbia, with daytime temperatures above and significantly above the average for this period of the year, in most places from 14 to 20, locally up to 22 degrees. During the day, it will be predominantly sunny, occasionally with little or moderate cloudiness.

Stefan Nikolić аватар
BEOGRAD Vremenska Prognoza